
華碩的英文「ASUS」來自希臘神話中的飛馬(Pegasus),象徵著聖潔、完美與純真的形象,華碩希望藉此來傳遞永不懈怠、追求卓越的精神。ASUS takes its name from Pegasus, the mythical winged horse symbolizing purity, perfection, and trueness. By this, ASUS hope to deliver the spirits of tireless efforts and pursuing excellence
在希臘神話中,有著一段關於飛馬的故事。牠的誕生,神話中記載著英仙座伯修斯奉命去取下蛇髮妖女梅杜莎的首級,當他砍下蛇髮魔女的頭時,頸中噴出的鮮血化為一匹長著翅膀的白色駿馬飛向空中,這就是廣為人知的神駒「Pegasus 」天馬座。傳說中,牠飛往 Muses 女神們(掌管學問藝術的9位女神)所住的 Helicon 山,當牠的雙蹄踏在地面上時,地面便湧出泉水,後來被稱為詩的泉源,為詩人的靈感之泉「Hippocrene spring」於是飛馬也有象徵著「智慧」「學問」的寓意。A winged horse, there is a story about Pegasus in Greek mythology. About the birth of Pegasus, in Greek mythology, is that Perseus was ordered to behead Medusa, a winged white horse sprang from the blood of the Medusa's neck and flew into sky. This is the recognized divine horse-Pegasus. According to the ancient legend, Pegasus flew to the Mount Helicon where the Muses lived. The spring burst when it stamped its hooves on the floor. Afterwards, it's called Hippocrene spring, which was supposed to bring poetic inspiration. So the winged horse also symbolizes wisdom and knowledge.

立功大樓利用智慧控制的節能、節水設施,園區綠地透過滴灌及雨水回收系統,提升水資源利用效率,可 100% 無需耗用自來水澆灌,室內節水率亦比LEED基準節省 55% 以上。另外還有自然採光的大廳天井、大量自然植栽綠屋頂以及塗佈白色高反射漆之冷屋頂, 減少都市建築帶來的熱島效應,因此獲得綠建築最高等 - 白金級 LEED 認證。
The LiGong Building uses through the smart control system for saving energy, water-conserving sensor, irrigation for green space, and rainwater recovery system in order to improve the utilization of water resources and require zero running water. The indoor water conservation percentage is more than 55% standards of the LEED. Besides, the natural lighting sunroof, the spacious green roof, and the cool roof covered with highly reflective white paint reduce the urban heat island effect, which received LEED platinum certificate from USGBC.
The Idea Wall records the business ideas of ASUS. It just likes the Ten Commandments on stone tablets for Christian. The Idea Wall reveals four business ideas of ASUS as well as every employee and whole company’s direction to efforts.- 培育.珍惜.關懷員工,讓華碩人盡情地發揮最高潛力
- 堅守誠信.勤儉.崇本.務實的正道
- 無止境地追求世界第一的品質.速度.服務.創新.成本
- 躋身世界級的綠色高科技領導群,對人類社會真正做出貢獻
- Inspire,motivate and nurture our employees to explore their highest potential
- Commit to integrity and diligence,focus on fundamentals and results
- Endlessly pursue to be number 1 in the areas of quality,speed,service,innovation and cost-efficiency
- Strube to be among the world-class green high-tech leaders and to provide valuable contributions to humanity

第一台登上和平號太空站的筆電,並成功挑戰 600 天穩定運行。The first notebook onboard the Mir space station, where it operated flawlessly during a 600-day mission.

於全球掀起熱潮的革命性新型態小筆電,開啟個人行動運算新世代。 A revolutionary innovation that launched a new era of personal mobile computing.

世界首款可拆式變形平板,集時尚、效能及便利於一身。It is the world's first 2-in-1 detachable tablet which is characteristic of fashion, effectiveness, and convenience all rolled into one.

每一代 ZenFone 無論在規格,外觀設計或使用體驗,皆令產業與用戶無限驚豔。Every generation of ZenFone has challenged the industry status quo of performance, design and user experience.

世界知名跑車(藍寶堅尼)品牌合作,象徵完美的率性風格與震撼效能的結合。A co-branding partnership with the world-renowned sports car-Lamborghini expresses a symbolic combination of perfect straightforward style and extraordinary effectiveness.
ASUS Design Collaborations
將消費者需求轉化為功能與美感兼具的極致工藝。Together with master designers, ASUS explores the possibilities of intuitive and sustainable aestnetic design.

與世界頂級DJ Alan Walker 限量版遊戲筆記型電腦,擁有獨家設計和混音取樣器。Alan Walker special edition gaming laptop featuring an exclusive design and remix sampler.

首款獨家筆記型電腦套裝,採用標誌性的 A BATHING APE® 迷彩設計。The first exclusive laptop bundle featuring iconic A BATHING APE® camouflage.

由 ROG 和 ACRONYM® 共同打造多功能遊戲筆電,
並內建攜帶系統。Multi-function gaming laptop with an integrated carry system, built by ROG and ACRONYM®.

與 Philip Colbert 合作打造首款 2 合 1 筆記型電腦與配件套裝。The first 2-in-1 laptop and accessories bundle collaborated with Philip Colbert.
設計故事 & 設計流程

為提升創造力和生產力而生的ZenBook系列,具備體貼入心的人因設計,除能實現高效率的多工處理,更為使用者帶來更彈性靈活的多元應用。Designed for creativity and productivity, ZenBook has an intimate human-factor design for highly efficient multitasking that brings more possibilities to users.

揉合鍛造工藝與未來科技的 Zenbook 系列,秉持將美學、空氣動力和人因設計融為一體的Zen設計精神,悉心檢視及確認每個細節,成就最無與倫比的使用體驗。ZenBook is a breakthrough of craftsmanship, intergrating leading technology into a piece of art with meticulous attention to detail to create a superior user experience.

CMF 設計(色彩、材質、表面處理)為 ZenBook 系列挹注豐富的情感,以極致工藝尋求與使用者產生共鳴,持續開創引領時尚的美學浪潮。The choice of colors, materials and finishes represent ultimate craftsmanship and brings a rich sense of emotion to ZenBook. providing aesthetics that deeply resonate with users.
ProArt Series
Digital Content Creation Solutions
ProArt 系列以極致科技滿足創作者苛求完美的精神,使創意不再受科技侷限,想法得以完美呈現。ProArt is built to remove technology barriers and delivers absolute precision, extreme performance, versatile connectivity and promised stability, enabling creators to bring their best ideas to life.

QHD USB-C® 專業顯示器:專業人士的全方位需求。QHD USB-C® Professional Display: All the Essentials for Pros.

體驗 Intel® Core™ i9 和 NVIDIA RTX™ 的卓越性能。享受 ASUS Dial 的精確控制。Experience Intel® Core™ i9 and NVIDIA RTX™ prowess. Enjoy ASUS Dial precision control.

ProArt Station PD5 是一款為創作者提供靈活且創新的解決方案的桌上型電腦。 ProArt Station PD5 is a dynamic desktop offers creators flexible and innovative solutions.
Zenbo & Ai Products
Artificial Intelligence

首款顛覆應用,翻轉教育的商用機器人。A new intelligent educational robot to enable AI capabilities.

ASUS NUC 2024 系列具備 AI 準備功能,適合各類使用者。它滿足了內容創作者和遊戲玩家等專業用戶的需求,同時也適合辦公室的多任務需求。The ASUS NUC 2024 series is AI Ready and suitable for various users. It caters to prosumers like content creators and gamers, as well as multitasking needs in a business office.
Smart Healthcare
華碩智慧醫療提供領先業界且完整的人工智慧、物聯網與雲端產品和解決方案,提升診斷效率並優化照護品質。Leading with a diverse portfolio of Al, loT, and cloud produats and solutions to enhance diagnostic efficiency and elevate patient care.

高效能、超靜音的醫療級 Box PC,適用於各種醫療保健應用,包括 4K UHD AI 影像。A high-performance, ultra-quiet and medical-grade computer designed for 4K UHD AI imaging.

一款輕量兼具行動便利的手持超聲波設備,適合各種醫療場景。A compact, mobile-integrated point-of-care ultrasound device, perfect for various healthcare scenarios.

配備醫療級 ECG/PPG 傳感器,並搭載 ASUS HealthAI 技術,實現先進的個人健康追蹤。 Featuring medical-grade ECG/PPG sensors with ASUS HealthAI technology for advanced personal health tracking.
Motherboard and Graphics Card Brand
The World's No 1

首款擁有隱藏連接器的 ROG 主板,提供卓越的線纜管理功能。ROG Maximus Z790 Hero BTF, the first ROG board with hidden-connector for superior cable management.

隱藏連接器設計提供更整潔的線纜管理和更簡約的外觀。The ASUS BTF hidden-connector design offers cleaner cable management and a more minimalist appearance.

絕對經典-效能與美學兼具。The perfert balance of performance and aesthetics with intelligent cooling for all-round builder.

硬派競裝-軍規品質,穩固耐用。Military-grade durability and superior stability for casual gamers.

專業級穩定性、靈活擴展性和先進 IT 管理軟體。Professional with trusted stability, flexible expandability, and advanced IT management software.

憑藉 ROG Strix RTX 4090 BTF 的增強冷卻、GC-HPWR 電源傳輸和數位電源控制,釋放強大性能。Unleash power with ROG Strix RTX 4090 BTF's buffed cooling, GC-HPWR power delivery, and digital power control.

結合了增強冷卻、創新 GC-HPWR 電源傳輸和軍規級耐用性。TUF Gaming RTX 4070 Ti SUPER BTF White Edition combines buffed cooling, innovative GC-HPWR power delivery, and military-grade durability.
ROG Line up
ROG 玩家共和國以熱情、創新與技術致力為玩家建造電競聖殿,為全球電競愛好者首選品牌The World's Most Innovative Gaming Brand. Through relentless innovation,ROG breaks barriers with the largest gaming ecosystem in the industry, opening new worlds of poissbility for gamers and creators everywhere.