
科技的微笑-蒙娜麗莎The Mona Lisa

科技的微笑-蒙娜麗莎位於華碩的立德大廳,一幅由主機板零組件拼貼而成的圖畫放在人來人往的大廳,採用廢舊主機板元件歷時一個多月拼接而成,主題是達文西的知名畫作《蒙娜麗莎的微笑》。這是華碩工業設計部門的巧思成果,企圖用 Asus 金字招牌的主機板零件,傳達出華碩的新願景:藉著「感動世界的科技」(Heart of Technology),讓每位華碩顧客都能像蒙娜麗莎般微笑。A collage created from old motherboard components lies in the lobby of ASUS' Lide building in Guandu. It took over one month to put those components together. The theme of the collage is Leonardo da Vinci's incomparable work of art-The Mona Lisa. This is the inspiration of ASUS industrial designers. They tried to use motherboard accessories, which is the reputation of ASUS, to represent new prospect that it makes every ASUS customers smile like Mona Lisa by the Heart of Technology. 

2357晶片鬥牛The 2357 Chip Bull

華碩總部大廳的這頭牛身上貼上有 2357 塊 PCB 板,數量也剛好和華碩中國臺灣股市程式碼一致。2357 是繼蒙娜麗莎「科技的微笑」後的另一顛峰之作 — 2357 晶片鬥牛。不同於其他任人宰割的同類,他有自己的主張,不服輸,就是要贏!2357 也是真正的"鬥牛士",不斷挑戰自己。身穿 2357 片的 PCB 戰甲,他是科技與勇氣的象徵。鬥志高昂的他,激勵人們不被困境打倒,衝過逆流,勇敢挑戰自己的極限!

In the lobby of ASUS' headquarters, 2375 chips were stuck on the bull and the number”2375”is same as its ticker code of Taiwan Stock Exchange. 2357 Chip Bull is the masterpiece after Mona Lisa with smile by the Heart of Technology. Different from others of a kind, it has its own claim to refuse to take defeat and must win. The 2357 is also a bullfighter that it continues to challenge itself. To symbolize technology and bravery, it puts on the armor made by 2357 chips. The Chip Bull has high morale to stimulate people not to be beat by difficulties, to get through adversity, and to boldly challenge our limit.

這款於設計之初即針對老年化社會下,銀髮族居家陪伴的智慧機器人。Zenbo 外型討喜,並具豐富的可愛表情,在銀髮照護方面可以語音聲控方式提供遠端視訊、24 小時叫車、播放音樂、緊急求救等功能,亦可透過上傳醫師開立的慢性處方箋,將藥物宅配到府,免去舟車勞頓之苦。除了原本所定位的陪伴,最重要的是作為物聯網的鑰匙—智慧閘道器(Smart gateway),將物聯網裝置整合串接起來,不論是整合家中的家電產品或是機構的公共空間設施,都能讓 Zenbo 有更多元的應用。

On the original concept of Aging Society, Zenbo was created as an AI robot for a house companion of elderly people. It not only has attractive appearance but also expresses many emotions with adorable facial expressions. For elders’ home care, Zenbo can provides remote screen assistance, 24 hours taxi booking, music playing, emergency messages sending and so on. All of these by using voice commands. Moreover, to eliminate the hardship of a journey, it is able to get the shipment of medicine by uploading chronic illness prescriptions. Besides the first position of companionship, the most important thing is being the key of The Internet of Things (IoT)-Smart Gateway, which connects with IoT devices such as home appliances or public facilities in institutions. All these make Znebo have more diverse applications. https://zenbo.asus.com/tw/
華碩經營理念牆ASUS Business Philosophy


The Idea Wall records the business ideas of ASUS. It just likes the Ten Commandments on stone tablets for Christian. The Idea Wall reveals four business ideas of ASUS as well as every employee and whole company’s direction to efforts.
  • 培育.珍惜.關懷員工,讓華碩人盡情地發揮最高潛力
  • 堅守誠信.勤儉.崇本.務實的正道
  • 無止境地追求世界第一的品質.速度.服務.創新.成本
  • 躋身世界級的綠色高科技領導群,對人類社會真正做出貢獻
  • Inspire,motivate and nurture our employees to explore their highest potential
  • Commit to integrity and diligence,focus on fundamentals and results
  • Endlessly pursue to be number 1 in the areas of quality,speed,service,innovation and cost-efficiency
  • Strube to be among the world-class green high-tech leaders and to provide valuable contributions to humanity